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Rainer Zwisler

April 1998

Bereits 1856 gab Maxwell folgenden grundlegenden Ratschlag zur Untersuchung der Farbwahrnehmung:

When a beam of light falls on the human eye, certain sensations are produced, from which the possessor of that organ judges of the color and luminance of the light. Now, though everyone experiences these sensations and though they are the foundation of all the phenomena of sight, yet, on account of their absolute simplicity, they are incapable of analysis, and can never become in themselves objects of thought. If we attempt to discover them, we must do so by artificial means and our reasonings on them must be guided by some theory. (Maxwell, 1856/1970, S. 62)

Diese Aufforderung soll der hier zu beschreibenden Untersuchung zugrunde liegen; zunächst sollen deshalb die theoretischen Grundlagen der Farbwahrnehmung dargestellt werden.

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